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Saturday, 10 March 2012

Creativity & Concept - Whats it all about?

Todays lecture was about suming up what all the thinking techniques were for and what were gona use them for in later life. We recieved a photocopy of a CBBC aplication form which was all about new ideas. The mojority of the form was to think of new programs or how you would revamp old programs.

Before this lecture I was struggling to understand why we were learning all these different thinking techniques but after it was spoke about in more detail it was easier to understand without feeling a bit lost.

The next thing we done was talk about how much media we use each day.
sooo... How much media do we actually use?

Games = board games,computer games,card games
Reading = magazines,books, news papers
Television = Programs,films
Internet = mainly everything
Talking = skype,facebook,phone

These are just some of the media we use every day and not even notice. So by using this type of media we are actually taking part in being a target audience for companies to measure the amout of media people are using at certain times.

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